Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Junie B., First Grader - Boss of Lunch

Book Title: Junie B., First Grader
Author: Barbara Park
Number of Pages: 77
Number of Chapters: 9

Well, it was about a little girl named Junie B Jones and she's six or seven years old. And she has a lot of friends at school.  She's in first grade also. She gets to help in the cafortereya because she follows all the school rules.   Her faverite tipe of cookie is a sugercookie  Hope you enjoy it!


  1. Great job, Bella - I can't wait to hear about the next book you read!!!

  2. I'm excited about your blog. You are such a clever girl.

  3. I've read this one before, too. I can't remember what happens! I'll have to check it out again! Does Junie B. like helping? It seems like I remember the lunch lady being mad at Junie B. for some reason. You'll have to remind me!
