Thursday, October 13, 2011

Junie B. Jones Has a Peep In Her Pocket

Book Title: Junie B. Jones Has a Peep In Her Pocket
Author: Barbara Park
Number of Pages: 67

Number of Chapters:8

Junie   B   Jones   goes   on  a field trip in a bus to a  farm. The   farmer`s   name   is   farmer   Flores.   At   first   she   is   afraid   of   pones and so she wants to stay home and plays ill...   then   she   is   afraid   of   rosters.   She   likes   the   baby   chick and gets to pet him!   Hope   you   enjoy   it!!!


  1. This sounds like a great book. Keep up the wonderful reviews!

  2. I love the same books as you. Keep reading and writing these wonderful reviews. I may just bring you some more books for've been very good this year!

    Ho, Ho, Ho,
