Friday, December 23, 2011

Purple Princess Wins the Prize

Book Title: Purple Princess Wins the Prize
Author: Alyssa Crowne
Number of Pages:
Number of Chapters: 10

Once upon a time there was a princess. Her name was Isabel. She had two mean brothers. There names were: Alex and Marco.  Alex stormed her castle. He took a princess figure. All the figures wore purple dresses. He went to the bunk bed and jumped holding it high above his head. "He broke it" she cryied. She had alwas liked it because she held a bird in her hand but it had fallin of.  There was a cupcake contest. Isabel tryied to make purple
frosting with blue and red food coloring but it turnes brown! Hope you enjoy it!!!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Invisible Stanley

Book Title: Invisible Stanley
Author: Jeff Brown

A child named Stanely turned invisible dearing the night. His mother telles him he has to hold a balloon. The string vanished but not the balloon. That's a sentence from the story! Hope you enjoy it! 

Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus

 Book Title: Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus
Author: Barbara Park
Number of Pages:
Number of Chapters: 10

A child named Junie B. Jones does not like yellow. She does not want to ride the bus. Her teacher's name is Mrs. She can't remember the rest of it. She likes her teacher. She tryies to hide befor leaving but the door is locked. She gets everyone confuesed by calling all! She get's help!!! Hope you enjoy it! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Junie B. Jones Has a Peep In Her Pocket

Book Title: Junie B. Jones Has a Peep In Her Pocket
Author: Barbara Park
Number of Pages: 67

Number of Chapters:8

Junie   B   Jones   goes   on  a field trip in a bus to a  farm. The   farmer`s   name   is   farmer   Flores.   At   first   she   is   afraid   of   pones and so she wants to stay home and plays ill...   then   she   is   afraid   of   rosters.   She   likes   the   baby   chick and gets to pet him!   Hope   you   enjoy   it!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Beezus and Ramona

Book Title: Beezus and Ramona
Author: Beverly Cleary
Number of Pages: 159
Number of Chapters: 6

At   the   end   of   the   book   Beezus   has   a   birthday.   Ramona   tries to bake a  doll   in   the   cake.   Ramona   trys   to   have   a   party  and   it   turns   out  she   can!!!   She   inveted  all   her   friends   to   the   party.  Howie came to her party. They had a parade and refreshments. A little girl named Willa Jean came but she played out and didn't play at the party. Hope you enjoy it!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Junie B., First Grader - Toothless Wonder

Book Title: Junie B., Toothless Wonder
Author: Barbara Park
Number of Pages: 81
Number of Chapters: 9

It was about a little girl her name was Junie B Jones. She is 6 or 7. She has a little brother named ollie.  What she likes: Herb (her best freind)/haveing all her teeth/red. What she dislikes: yellow/hoges (that's a food)/the bus. One of her top front teeth is losse. It comes out! Hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Junie B., First Grader - Boss of Lunch

Book Title: Junie B., First Grader
Author: Barbara Park
Number of Pages: 77
Number of Chapters: 9

Well, it was about a little girl named Junie B Jones and she's six or seven years old. And she has a lot of friends at school.  She's in first grade also. She gets to help in the cafortereya because she follows all the school rules.   Her faverite tipe of cookie is a sugercookie  Hope you enjoy it!

Green Princess Saves the Day

Book Title: Green Princess Saves the Day
Author: Alyssa Crowne
Number of Pages: 71
Number of Chapters: 10

It is about a little girl named Holly and she trys to save a park. The mayor wants to put bildings there. She has 5 or 6 friends.  Hope you enjoy it!